A whole lot to do, but not much to write
It’s been exactly 2 months since I posted about being my whole self. What has my whole self been up to? A whole lot!
I was interviewed for a Simmons University Alumnae Feature a few months back, and the article got posted earlier this month. As implied, I graduated from Simmons when it was still Simmons College, and it was great to speak to the writer about being a software engineer and business owner. The timing ended up being quite a coincidence as I also became a Simmons University adjunct professor this month. I teach Math 101 on Monday and Wednesday mornings on campus, and it has been a blast! I have twenty-four awesome students, a wonderful TA, and get to teach math and be a software engineer, all at once.
Ironically, with all of that going on, there isn’t much to say! I hope everyone is having a wonderful start to the school year and has found a nice rhythm as we move into the fall.